Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Luna's Wacky Words on Wednesday

Mom, turn down your music, I can't concentrate on my reading.

While eating supper:
Me: This does not taste good. Luna: well, you picked it.

Our house looks like ice cream, cause it's white.

Jesus was a baby, now he is all grown up like us.

Mom, do you know where my phone is, it just underppeared (disappeared).

Me: Luna, please don't touch things that aren't yours.
Luna: (while walking up to me and giving me a big hug) well, this is mine.

Today was also career day. Luna wanted to be a camera girl (photographer).
So mommy got busy with a sharpie.
It was either that or a football player, a tool girl, or a driver :)


  1. Cute shirt! can I have one?

    My niece says the cutest things! :)

  2. She DOES say the cutest things. It's so funny what they come up with! Luna comes up with a LOT!!! :) Great idea dedicating a day it!


Thanx! I love comments :)