Well, we had two b-day parties we went to yesterday!!!!
But before that I was at mom's with my sisters making mexican tacos (or flaming tacos)
I turned on the broiler to toast the taco shell and a few minutes later we had flames about 2 feet tall. After I threw the pan on the counter and dowsed it in water I grab the camera. The flames were must smaller, but you get the picture :)
But before that I was at mom's with my sisters making mexican tacos (or flaming tacos)
I turned on the broiler to toast the taco shell and a few minutes later we had flames about 2 feet tall. After I threw the pan on the counter and dowsed it in water I grab the camera. The flames were must smaller, but you get the picture :)

The first party we went to was Luna's best friend Savannah.
Luna has never been skating before, and had a blast!!

We had an hour and a half to burn between parties, then it was back to skating again!
Krisyanna is Luna's friend from school.
I skated this time, but no pix:) Man, I haven't skated since I was a teenager. It truly is a work out. It makes me want to go buy a pair of roller blades.

I was really proud of Luna skating so well, for never doing it before.
She had so much fun dancing to the music.

The pictures are so cute!! Thanks for sharing them with me. I'm so glad you all were able to come. Savannah loves Luna. :)