Saturday, March 20, 2010

In case you don't believe me :)

Yesterday it was 74 and we were in tank tops and flip flops!!!!
Today it's in the 30s and SNOW!!!!!!
That's Oklahoma for ya!


  1. Missouri did the same exact thing!! :) On Friday night, we had a young people's meeting OUTSIDE (it was in the 70s during the day and probably a little over 60 that evening...) By the time we got home at 11:00, the wind started blowing and it got SO cold! The next day (yesterday/Saturday), it snowed! :-S Craziness! We actually went up to KSCity yesterday, so it was even colder/more snow... interesting first days of spring -- especially after all this wonderful weather we've been having!! :)


Thanx! I love comments :)